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In-line with National lifting measures set by the Qatar Government;

BE BASKETBALL return next week for a specialized August Pre-Season Term of fundamental skill training!

For the first time ever BE BASKETBALL will be on the court throughout the whole month of August coaching a dedicated skills program to children aged 10 to 18 years old at the Qatar-Finland International School.

The sessions will be 90 mins long and 3 times a week to help our community prepare to return in September better than ever for a brand new season!

BE BASKETBALL have taken strict measures in order to keep staff, players and the wider community safe while returning to train throughout August.

These measures include: players disinfecting their equipment before and after each session, distancing measures throughout all sessions, no high-fives or physical contact and everyone must use their own basketball without passing.

For a full list of our facility and club protocol please see the poster here:

Presently, returning to BE BASKETBALL activities will heavily focus on the basic principles of personal hygiene and social distancing. Sessions will not play any competitive games, but will however focus intensely on individual skill work that will help our community prepare the best way possible as they return to physical activity, engagement with others and sports training.

BE BASKETBALL is taking the national measures and global situation of COVID-19 extremely serious and have also drafted a very detailed document called; "Returning to Train". This piece of work have been approved and covers information on how our club will deliver sessions throughout Stage 3 and how we intend on returning to play and competition from September as schools begin to open their doors.

We are frequently in talks with government officials and are updated with the latest policy information regarding COVID-19 so that we can ensure our community are safe and correctly cared for during their basketball experience at all venues.

With basketball leagues around the world returning to competition and team training, its great news that we at BE BASKETBALL can once again resume our club sessions and serve our members indoors with a high-quality service!

Our Term 1 (SEASON 5) schedule will be communicated throughout August once we have spoken to all our school partners. However we are very confident that with personal care, our detailed club protocol and strict national lifting measures, BE BASKETBALL will be serving its whole community across all campuses by September.

In the meantime, lets all do our part to keep one another safe and healthy in order to beat this global pandemic together.

For a full detailed read of our "Return to Train" strategy, please click on the file below:

For more information about BE BASKETBALL programs, club protocol or new issued guidelines, please do not hesitate to contact us directly by email:

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