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BE BASKETBALL development program (7 - 16 years)
Our very successful Development Program at BE Basketball is for the beginner and intermediate level players who require specific fundamental skills-trainings.
This program is designed to provide children and young people the opportunity to learn new basketball skills in a fun and instructional environment while utilizing all of the BE Basketball professional training equipment and methodology. Athletes are divided by age and ability, and can attend 1 or 2 days per week at a convenient location across Doha (see below).
Each session combines offensive development, skill stations, shooting mechanics, functional movements, conditioning and other fundamental skill components. The program is suitable for any player looking to improve their overall game and enjoyment playing basketball. This unique class is tailored to the majority of our athletes and focuses on Triple Threat (passing/shooting/dribbling) fundamentals in a fun yet structured format.
We offer many development classes throughout the week at convenient locations across Doha:
BE BASKETBALL development program (7 - 16 years)
Our very successful Development Program at BE Basketball is for the beginner and intermediate level players who require specific fundamental skills-trainings.
This program is designed to provide children and young people the opportunity to learn new basketball skills in a fun and instructional environment while utilizing all of the BE Basketball professional training equipment and methodology. Athletes are divided by age and ability, and can attend 1 or 2 days per week at a convenient location across Doha (see below).
Each session combines offensive development, skill stations, shooting mechanics, functional movements, conditioning and other fundamental skill components. The program is suitable for any player looking to improve their overall game and enjoyment playing basketball. This unique class is tailored to the majority of our athletes and focuses on Triple Threat (passing/shooting/dribbling) fundamentals in a fun yet structured format.

At BE BASKETBALL we believe in rewarding members who show great character and demonstrate important life skills.
Sports skills are extremely important, however teaching life skill’s through sports is a centerpiece of our BE MISSION.
We believe firmly that preparing our children for living in an ever-changing world is a great responsibility, and by showing them our admiration of the many vital character attributes they can acquire as Human BEings is a great accomplishment.
With all that said, we are very proud of the BE BASKETBALL Character Badges Rewards Program.
BEst ATTITUDE - an essential aspect in life development and integrity - this attribute will get you far in anything you do and is the real Gold Medal!
BE BETTER - for improving their skill-set and becoming the best version of them-self within their peer group.
BE POSITIVE - optimism is a force multiplier and this award recognizes those who remain positive throughout their learning!
BE HARDWORKING - when tasks, new skills and moments prove difficult, this member will continue to give their best no matter what!
We would love for you to share this message with your children, whether they are a BE Member or not and ask them which BE BADGE they would like to work towards, receive and why?
For more information about our Character Development initiative please ask your coach or email us directly!
Lets all work together to BE BEtter human BEings!
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