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We at BE SPORTS are privileged to be partnered with DME Sports Academy in Daytona Florida, USA. 

This affiliate partnership is in place to offer our members the incredible opportunity to not only enroll in their extensive summer camps giving players the chance to play in competitive AAU tournaments but to also sign up to study at their on-campus High School and play sports (soccer & basketball) at the next level in America. 

DME and their incredible team have already assisted many overseas players including several from Doha, Qatar in completing their senior High School year in Florida while playing for their respected sports academy in nationwide tournaments and leagues in America. 

In 2021, our very own Yousef Ayman of BE BASKETBALL graduated from DME and due to their dedicated support Yousef had three college offers to play basketball (1 x NCAA Div I and two Div III schools). In August of 2021 Yousef committed to play Div III NCAA for Saint Vincent College in Pennsylvania, USA. 
In July of 2021, three of our BE BASKETBALL All-Star athletes also travelled to DME and experienced an impactful 3-week basketball skills camp that included AAU tournaments and daily individual and team workouts. 

The exposure and experience they received was immense, allowing them to play against top talent in America and receive high quality training by DME coaches including tailored Strength & Conditioning training, weight room specific training and beach workouts. 
Our ultimate goal alongside our supportive partners at DME is to give our members and the wider community of Qatar the opportunity to anyone playing basketball or soccer a chance to experience playing sport at the next level in America and if desired, to enroll at their High School to complete their senior year or even subscribe to their Prep School subsequent to graduating High School. 

For more information about DME please visit their website and to find out more about our partnership email us today! 

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